Millions of patients benefit from compounded hormones, but that access may be threatened by the FDA. Read more at, and send a message to your members of Congress: Protect compounded hormones! #CompoundingMatters
Michigan State Senators:
Gary Peters @SenGaryPeters on Twitter
Debbie Stabenow @SenStabenow on Twitter
Michigan State Representatives:
Jack Bergman @RepJackBergman on Twitter
Debbie Dingell @RepDebDingell on Twitter
Bill Huizenga @RepHuizenga on Twitter
Dan Kildee @RepDanKildee on Twitter
Brenda Lawrence @RepLawrence on Twitter
Andy Levin @RepAndyLevin on Twitter
Lisa McClain @RepLisaMcClain on Twitter
Peter Meijer @RepMeijer on Twitter
John Moolenaar @RepMolenaar on Twitter
Elissa Slotkin @RepSlotkin on Twitter
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Rashida Tlaib @RepRashida on Twitter
Fred Upton @RepFredUpton on Twitter
Tim Walberg @RepWalberg on Twitter