Have you benefited from Compounded Hormone Therapy (cBHRT)? If so, you won't be happy with what the FDA is planning. The FDA has never been a fan of compounding, but now it looks to be making a move that could keep millions of people from using a critical medication.
Here's the deal: Last year, the FDA paid for a study of compounded hormone therapy (cBHT). The result: The study concluded that there isn't much clinical evidence for or against cBHT. Strangely, though, the study recommended that cBHT be restricted. (Well, not so strange. That was exactly what the FDA asked it to say.) Never mind that millions of Americans use cBHT every day and rely on it. Never mind that the study didn't find any significant negative effects of cBHT. Oh, and never mind that the study didn't even ask patients whether cBHT worked! (It does. Very well.) But now: The FDA is using that study — yes, the one it paid for — as an excuse to consider limiting or even outright banning compounded hormone therapy. You read that right: If you or someone you know uses cBHT, it might soon be impossible to get.
Neighborhood compounding pharmacies like RCP are trying to fight back, but we need your help. It’s simple: Tell us your story about how compounded hormone therapy has affected your life. We’re collecting thousands of these stories to try to convince the FDA that compounded hormone therapy is too important to restrict access. Please, go to A4PC.org/cbhtandme. Tell us a little about yourself and how cBHT has changed your life or your loved one’s. It only takes a few minutes, and it will help prevent FDA from restricting your healthcare!
As a Celiac patient, who also reacts, negatively, to corn, coconut, palm, olive, pork....I would not be able to take my NEEDED medications, without the dedicated compounding, that I have been using for several years.
All pharmaceuticals, & personal care products, contain the aforementioned ingredients or derivatives thereof. I have endured many reactions that are both compromising to my health & wellbeing as well as costly because of trial & error of the "pharmaceutical normals".
Not EVERY HUMAN BEING is of the same biological make up, not EVERY HUMAN BEING can tolerate "pharmaceutical normals" of ANY medication.
EVERY HUMAN BEING is individualized, biologically, and should/MUST be treated likewise, in the interest of individual health necessities.
I might ask....Is the Medical…
I do not know how to express how much I have benefited from compounded hormone therapy. I have been using compounded medicines for around 20 years now. I use hormone therapy as well as my thyroid medicine, also a hormone, both compounded. Before hormone therapy, I had severe mood swings, night sweats that were so bad that I would have to change my nightgown in the middle of the night. I would never want to go back to that.